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19. Dream Crime: Part One
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19. Dream Crime: Part One

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Dream Crime: Part One
Nummer 19
Originaltitel The Legion (2001)
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 36
Erschienen Juni 2003
Cover-Preis 2.50 USD
Ersteller Madrox
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Heft
gesammelt von 2 Benutzer

Introducing a new art team and kicking off "Dream Crime," a new 5-part storyline! Saturn Girl visits Titan, hoping to repair the damage to her mental powers, and Dreamer hopes the Titanet telepathic system will turn her powers of prediction into a large-scale early-warning network for the United Planets. But Saturn Girl learns the damage to her mind might be more extensive than she believed, and Dreamer's first experiments with the Titanet show her terrible visions of an ancient darkness rising once more.

Saturn Girl and Dreamer go to Titan, where Saturn Girl can relax and Dreamer can implement her precognitive abilities into the Titanet. While there, Dreamer gets a precognitive flash of doom for all the citizens of Titan as well as an image of Darkseid.
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