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Thing: The Serpent Crown Affair

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Thing: The Serpent Crown Affair
Originaltitel Marvel Two-In-One (1974) 64-67 & Marvel Team-Up (1972) Annual 5
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 120
ISBN 0785157611
ISBN-13 9780785157618
Erschienen Mai 2012
Cover-Preis 24.99 USD
Ersteller Madrox
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Hardcover
gesammelt von 1 Benutzer

The Snake God's crowning glory! The Serpent Crown: power that goes to your head and overtakes your mind! Armed with two Crowns, Avengers foe Hugh Jones seizes control of Washington, D.C. - and it's up to the Thing and friends to stop him! But when the Crowns possess hundreds of people to acquire hundreds more Crowns, the Scarlet Witch and Sorcerer Supreme Dr. Strange must add magic to the Thing's might to halt the hellish headgear's havoc! Featuring the Serpent Squad, the Avengers and more!

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