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The Clone Conspiracy

Fehler in Comic melden
The Clone Conspiracy
Originaltitel US: Prowler (2016) 1-6
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 136
ISBN 1302906550
ISBN-13 9781302906559
Erschienen Juli 2017
Cover-Preis 17.99 USD
Ersteller Mueli77
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Softcover
gesammelt von 1 Benutzer

Even a super hero's life can get boring. Double-check your gear. Patrol the city. Save the innocent. Report back to your boss, the Jackal. Wait, what? Why is Prowler working for the Jackal, not Spider-Man? What does the resurrected Madame Web have to do with it? And what has Prowler already done that may have compromised him?! Hobie Brown, a.k.a. the Prowler, may believe in what the Jackal is doing, but that doesn't mean it's easy. As his assignments get more dangerous, Hobie will be forced to wrestle not only with the meaning of his existence, but also the underground army of unruly super villains the Jackal has created!

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