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26. To Hell and Back, Concl...
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26. To Hell and Back, Conclusion

Fehler in Comic melden
To Hell and Back, Conclusion
Nummer 26
Originaltitel Starman (1994)
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 36
Erschienen Jänner 1997
Cover-Preis 2.25 USD
Ersteller Madrox
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Heft
gesammelt von 2 Benutzer

Jack has been sucked into a portal to Hell where he must rescue Matt O'Dare and the Shade. The demon confronts them and, once they reveal their plot to stop him, he sends them in three different directions to be swayed by three different people. Each is nearly broken by their reflection, Jack by his mother, Shade by Merritt and Matt by Scalphunter. Each attempts to force their foe to give up their immortal soul for the freedom of the souls he's stolen in the 150 years the poster has been circulating. They each agree, but the devil rejects them, saying that he can't accept a soul given for a selfless reason. He releases the three, as well as the souls, and takes Merritt. They've won. But the demon vows to return one day and allows all of the people, no matter how out of time and place they are, enter into Opal City.
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