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- Green Arrow (2001-2007)
39. City Walls, Part 6: ".....
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39. City Walls, Part 6: "...Come Tumbling Down..."

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City Walls, Part 6: "...Come Tumbling Down..."
Nummer 39
Originaltitel Green Arrow (2001)
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 36
Erschienen August 2004
Cover-Preis 2.50 USD
Ersteller Madrox
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Heft
gesammelt von 2 Benutzer

With Olver's Army trained and ready to fight off the demons and get to their master, they attempt to reason with the demons thanks to having warrants for the arrest of Albert Davis and being deputized as police. Unfortunately, someone jumps the gun and they all get into a massive brawl. In the back end of the forces, Mia kills multiple demons before Ollie snatches her up and the two are catapulted into Davis' house. In his home, Davis demands that they kill him. He warns them that the bubble encircling Star City is growing and that if they don't kill him, it will take over the planet. So, Mia shoots him and cries, demanding assurance that it was her only choice.
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