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- Tales of the Teen Titans
53. (Angel) Devil on the Wing!
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53. (Angel) Devil on the Wing!

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(Angel) Devil on the Wing!
Nummer 53
Originaltitel Tales of the Teen Titans (1984)
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 36
Erschienen Mai 1985
Cover-Preis 0.75 USD
Ersteller Madrox
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Heft

While some of the Titans play tennis, Lilith is attacked by the Terminator. Restless, she becomes drawn to the creature they found the previous issue and released him. The other Titans attack the winged man, but Lilith defends him until Cyborg subdues her with a sonic attack. The winged man leaves S.T.A.R. Labs while the Titans pursue him, though they ultimately lose him in order to save some innocent people. The issue closes in the courtroom of Adrian Chase (Vigilante) as he hears the trial of Slade Wilson (Terminator). Ultimately, Judge Chase has to release him due to no one being able correctly identify the person under the mask specifically as Slade Wilson.
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