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- Green Arrow (2001-2007)
22. The Vertigo Treatment
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22. The Vertigo Treatment

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The Vertigo Treatment
Nummer 22
Originaltitel Green Arrow (2001)
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 36
Erschienen Mai 2003
Cover-Preis 2.50 USD
Ersteller Ernator
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Heft
gesammelt von 3 Benutzer

Green Arrow decides to take some time off from superheroing to be a survivalist on a deserted island for a month. Without any gear, he has a boat drop him a mile or so away from the island and he fights his way there. After being stung repeatedly by jellyfish, he washes up on the beach.

Meanwhile, in the United States, an IRS agent is tracking Green Arrow in hopes of getting a strain of his DNA to prove that he's a metahuman, thereby promoting the IRS agent to the Amazo project. He offers Oliver to Count Vertigo, who accepts his offer. The two battle it out on the desolate island, eventually ending with the two nearly drowning in the ocean. Ollie drags him out of the ocean and passes out.

In the epilogue, Count Vertigo details his decision to leave the DEO so that he can protect his birth-nation. He also killed the man who figured out that Ollie Queen is Green Arrow and has been marked for termination by the DEO.
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Erscheinungsdatum geändert 25.3.2014 19:48
Bearbeiter Madrox
Änderung 05.2003
Vorher Mai 2003
Originaltitel geändert 25.3.2014 19:48
Bearbeiter Madrox
Änderung Green Arrow (2001)
Vorher Green Arrow 22
Erscheinungsdatum geändert 25.3.2014 19:48
Bearbeiter Madrox
Änderung 05.2003
Vorher Mai 2003
Kommentar geändert 25.3.2014 19:48
Bearbeiter Madrox
Änderung Green Arrow decides to take some time off from superheroing to be a survivalist on a deserted island for a month. Without any gear, he has a boat drop him a mile or so away from the island and he fights his way there. After being stung repeatedly by jellyfish, he washes up on the beach. Meanwhile, in the United States, an IRS agent is tracking Green Arrow in hopes of getting a strain of his DNA to prove that he's a metahuman, thereby promoting the IRS agent to the Amazo project. He offers Oliver to Count Vertigo, who accepts his offer. The two battle it out on the desolate island, eventually ending with the two nearly drowning in the ocean. Ollie drags him out of the ocean and passes out. In the epilogue, Count Vertigo details his decision to leave the DEO so that he can protect his birth-nation. He also killed the man who figured out that Ollie Queen is Green Arrow and has been marked for termination by the DEO.
Erscheinungsdatum geändert 19.1.2012 20:29
Bearbeiter der_Schimmy
Änderung 05.2003
Vorher Mai 2003
Seitenanzahl geändert 19.1.2012 20:29
Bearbeiter der_Schimmy
Änderung 36
Vorher 32
Originaltitel geändert 19.1.2012 20:29
Bearbeiter der_Schimmy
Änderung Green Arrow 22
Titel geändert 19.1.2012 20:29
Bearbeiter der_Schimmy
Änderung The Vertigo Treatment
Vorher Green Arrow
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