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14. Three Mysteries, Part O...
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14. Three Mysteries, Part One: A Dream Within a Dream

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Three Mysteries, Part One: A Dream Within a Dream
Nummer 14
Originaltitel Azrael (2009)
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 36
Erschienen Jänner 2011
Cover-Preis 2.99 USD
Ersteller Madrox
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Heft
gesammelt von 1 Benutzer

Micheal Lane finally leaps over the ledge of sanity. Adrian gets the Azrael suit repaired by the only one that has the knowledge and technology to do so. Bruce sends Dick to bring Azrael under the Batman Inc. logo. When Batman(Dick) catches up with Azrael, Batman makes the offer of Batman Inc. Azrael will not be judged by anyone, Batman(Dick) takes the Sword of Sin to the chest. The following morning Bruce questions Dick about Azrael wanting to know how it went last night, because Azrael was found. The only question left to answer is how does a man commit suicide and crucify himself.
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