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5. Now, Not Tomorrow, Part 5: Windows and Walls

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Now, Not Tomorrow, Part 5: Windows and Walls
Nummer 5
Originaltitel Young Allies (2010)
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 32
Erschienen Dezember 2010
Cover-Preis 2.99 USD
Ersteller DerSteppenwolf
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Heft

Writer: Sean McKeever
Penciler: David Baldeón
Inker: N. Bowling
Colorist: Chris Sotomayor

Cover: David LaFuente and Morry Hollowell

The Young Allies final battle against the Bastards of Evil is here! Plus, the shocking surprise threat behind the Bastards! Will the outcome bring these young allies together--or will it push them further apart? The answer isn't as obvious as you might think!
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